Will designed the set for 5 consecutive Christmas shows for Margate Theatre Royal from 2007 to 2011 and the set and costumes for 2 consecutive pantomimes for The Theatre Chipping Norton in 2008 and 2009.

On Sleeping Beauty at The Theatre Chipping Norton Dec 2008
This lovely production...its fabulously-wigged and costumed characters..The simple but stylised set looks wonderful..There was lots of giggling as a puppet version of the prince ran through the tiny tangled streets of the model town kissing all its inhabitiants awake!
Joanne Cartwright. Northampton Chronicle. December 4th 2008
The perfect antidote to gaudier metropolitan offerings (Rated in the top ten of the nation's pantomimes).
Veronica Lee. The Sunday Telegraph. November 2008
This is a Sleeping Beauty with a modern twist…The show looks gorgeous - designer William Fricker has achieved magic on Chippy’s tiny stage.
Giles Woodforde. The Oxford Times. December 2008
Nothing about the evening could be described as anything less than impressive and I think regardless of age, this pantomime at this setting is something truly special that is not to be missed.
Jemma Callow. The Banbury Guardian. November 2008
Once again this gem of a venue has put together a fine evening of festive entertainment with engaging songs, fabulous sets and a top notch cast... Director Tim Claydon is aided by a magical set designed by William Fricker...Yet again, Chipping Norton gives us pantomime at its best- don't miss it..
Angela Swann. The Oxford Mail. November 2008
Every year this little theatre produces a great panto and this year is no exception.
Peta David. The Stage. December 2008
On Dick Whittington at The Theatre Chipping Norton Dec 2009
...William Fricker has designed a most impressive succession of sets where shops revolve, storm-tossed ships rock and attractive details — a 14th-century London Eye and Gherkin — liven up the periphery....the required underwater scene is done with luminescent octopuses and jellyfish dangled over the stalls. At moments like this a glance around at the rows of children — their faces truly shining, eyes wide and mouths open — illustrates the delight that pantomime still provides. (4 stars)
Jeremy Kingston. The Times. 23rd December 2009
...a more bright and appealing production would be difficult to find.... This is a thoroughly contemporary production that has creativity at its core.... Director John Terry uses the limited space of this little theatre to great effect - during an underwater scene children in the audience are given giant jelly fish on poles to wave about. What more could you want?
Peta David. The Stage. 23rd November 2009
From the brilliant hand-made costumes, to the fabulous revolving sets and creative use of the whole room- including the fantastic underwater scene- it is the perfect way to spend a festive evening
Tom Gibbon. Banbury Guardian. 26th November 2009
The show looks wonderfully wild and wacky..... Designer William Fricker has everything from houses to treasure chests bending at extreme angles, making the tiny Chippy stage look enormous and magical.
Giles Woodforde. Oxford Times. 26th November 2009
Whether it's a classic pantomime or some more alternative form of Christmas entertainment, these are ten must-see shows from London and around the country for Christmas 2009....Dick Whittington and His Cat. The Theatre Chippng Norton....The perfect antidote to commercial panto
Daily Telegraph. 1st December 2009
On Pinocchio at The Margate Theatre Royal Dec 2010
The family festive show is a kaleidoscopic delight as rich in talent as the most indulgent of Christmas puddings.......As satisfying and different to the saccharine Disney version as Mama’s lasagne is to a McDonald’s.......This is a morality story so it’s as good for the spirit as it is to the eye- and William Fricker deserves a ‘bravissimo’ for his beautiful set.
Eileen O’Brien. Isle of Thanette Gazette 24th Dec 2010
On Ali Baba at The Margate Theatre Royal Dec 2009
This splendid Ali Baba pulls off the unusual trick of retaining most of the elements of traditional pantomime.....while also being artistically very fresh and imaginative. ....And you know you’re in for a treat as soon as you see the rather original circular set which, in time, breaks in half to reveal a jewel encrusted cave.
Susan Elkin. The Stage. 12 December 2008